Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

I am excited as 2008 closes and I see 2009 approaching. As I write this post, my extended family have already rung in the new year on the other side of the world. I see the 2009 as the year of Hope and Change. Not only for me but also the entire world.

We have elected the first President of color, I have entered into the world of blogging (not that the two events are of the same magnitude in the larger scheme of things but in my mind the possibilities are endless)and there is so much to look forward to. As the United States and the world watch and wait as the new President takes over the Oval Office, I look at this historic event as a bookmark to my first step into unchartered waters for me.

After my last blog I had a chance to sit down and think about what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. So this is the top five that I came up with:

1. Write on this blog everyday (> or = 291 posts)
2. Don't worry, be happy (since happiness is a state of mind)
3. Smile more (reflective of #2)
4. Find my passion (so that I can meet #2 and 3)
5. Increase my earning power (when I meet #4, #5 will be attainable)

I know except for #1, the rest sound corny since it is not the typical goal - you know measurable, attainable, trackable etc, but I think it will be reflective in number 1. Besides, in order to meet number 2, 3, 4 and 5 there are a number of other goals that will fall into place.

Do you have any New Year Resolutions?

Happy New Year!!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Secret behind New Year Resolutions

Christmas is over, the presents are opened and some returned or exchanged (maybe) and plans are starting to firm up for the new year. The topic in every medium whether it be TV, radio or the Internet is about the year that went by and the year that is coming up. What have we achieved and what are we planning to achieve.

I am wondering about my new year resolutions. Some are of the opinion that new year resolutions are meant to be broken. Some start in earnest and falter once February rolls around. Some stick to their guns and make it through. And some start with one and end up with something totally different.

I always thought of resolutions as something exotic. It is giving yourself permission to do or be something that you always dreamed of. I remember saying I wanted to learn another language - Spanish. I never really expected it to happen. I did put in an effort but then in the back of my mind I kept saying that I was fooling myself. There was no way I was going to be fluent in Spanish with my schedule. I started off by getting a day by day calendar that showed you a word, how to say it and what it means along with a sentence. It was exotic and I enjoyed it. But about half way through the year the thrill faded - not because I was not interested but because I allowed myself to get caught up in other things that I decided were more important.

Now as I think back I realize that resolutions are like diets. It is what you make of it. If it has to succeed it has to become a way of life - a step up from where you used to be. There has to be intention and you have to know what you want and be firm.

This is very similar to what the Secret says, the Law of Attraction and all the similar philosophies. The Universe is like a giving tree and it will grant you what you ask for. However if you are uncertain, it will give you uncertainty. I understand it yet I find it so difficult to put it in practice. I start with all good intentions and then falter out of fear. That is because of the social conditioning and how we are brought up. The skeptics will say - it does not work, it is a bunch of new age stuff, I don't believe it. I don't have to convince anyone - except myself and that is the hard part.

First I need to set a goal, then I need to decide that it has to manifest. It is not for me to decide how it gets manifested. I just need to be focused, decide what the goal is, I have to be clear about what I want and then declare it. I have to say it - not ask permission. As a Reiki master I know how important it is that all intentions have to be for the good of all. If it does not work it is probably for the best. Anything said out of fear or not for the greater good will not work. I have to be open to the signs that the Universe sends me and have faith that whatever happens is always for the best.

I figured if I write about it, it would force me to stick to it. So watch this blog as I document my progress . So here goes. Wish me luck.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I still want a present!

I love presents! I am sure most people in the world love getting presents, can't think of anyone who does not. The present frenzy gets to the maximum right around Christmas time.

Before the Halloween decorations are off the shelf and the Thanksgiving are on the shelf there is a hint of Christmas. It probably has something to do with the chill in the air and snow, maybe. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around people are already counting down to number of days of Christmas shopping left. Most people I know put up their Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving.

Even though I am not Christian, we still celebrated the season. A holiday is a holiday - family and friends, food and fun. Presents were usually chocolate or candy. After moving to the United States with my husband, Christmas took on a whole new meaning - talk about holiday shopping - people were really serious!

I never thought that people actually made lists of who all to get presents for and that included your baby sitter and dentist. The retailers gear all their merchandise for Christmas, articles in the newspaper, magazines and the Internet are all about how to pace yourself and managing Christmas shopping without going broke and planning next Christmas. Wow! I had no idea that it was so big - and to have found out about it only now - O the presents I have missed. All the conversations at work and school were about Christmas shopping and baking and singing carols and cooking. I did not want to miss out so I joined the bandwagon too.

Then I understood what all those discussions about pacing yourself and budgeting was all about. Phew! It is hard work. The first year I wanted to do it all. I had no family here - so I was glad to be part of the work secret Santa - I loved the dollar limit- since I was on a budget myself. We still had food, friends and fun. The presents were based on the list of five things under 15 or 20 dollars. Yet the feeling you get when someone opens the present you picked for them - is like the Visa ad says- priceless.

Then I had kids and Christmas presents took on a totally different meaning - it was Santa Claus, cookies and milk, reindeer dust and presents under the tree from Santa and from mom and dad. There was always food friends and fun. And the feeling that you get when you see the joy on the kids faces when they ripped open their presents - was like the Visa ad says - priceless.

Now the kids are teenagers - and Christmas presents take a totally different meaning - there is still the Christmas tree and lights, cooking and food, family and fun. But the presents are negotiated earlier based on the sales, budgets and the latest electronic gadget. Since it is already negotiated - I thought we were doing okay until my teenager complained that she never gets any presents. Wait, I thought to myself and what was all that stuff we bought earlier? Well, they don't count - she still wants a present that was bought or made in secret, wrapped in ribbon so she can rip it and be surprised.

I thought about it and realized she was right. It does not matter how old you are - I still want a present that I can look forward to opening and be surprised. By the way, I did make her a present and the feeling that I got when I saw the surprise on her face when she opened it - was like the Visa ad says - priceless!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas Detroit!

After a trying couple of months, everything finally fell into place. Even though Congress was hell bent on making sure the auto bailout did not go through, the Midwesterners persevered. Everyone was encouraged to email their senators and appeal to the President. There were emails going out directly to the President asking him to make it all better - after all he has the power.

It was the talk of the town - be it a home, an office, school or business. What kind of a Christmas will Detroit have? Will Bush sign and save the auto industry?

Yes he did. Mr.President did sign and awarded 17.4 billion to the auto industry. We would like to think that it was the power of the people that made it happen. Or maybe it would be his most significant decision before he left office. Something people would remember him for, in spite of all the other problems we had to face while he was in office. Whatever be the motive - Thank you Mr. President.

Change is inevitable. This was a major reality check for the whole country. Now it is up to Detroit to take what was handed out and make something better out of it. Be competitive, make better quality cars, be proud of what you make and let it show - after all we have been in the business for almost a 100 years.

Merry Christmas Detroit!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Powerful Duty

For the first time as a citizen of the United States I was called upon to do my civic duty - serve on a jury. Interesting to note that most people do not like to serve on a jury and will make up excuses. Having never served on one before, I was curious. The wait is long and boring. You are encouraged to bring a book to read since you cannot take your phone if it is a camera phone - forces you to either read, write or observe human nature.

It was already 3 pm. Having been at the court house since 8:30 am, I was convinced that I would not be called upon. Court ends at 5 pm. I was proved wrong when my number was called at 3pm along with 24 other individuals. I learnt that it depends on if it is a criminal case, they pick 12 jurors or if it is a civil case, they pick 6 or 7 jurors. The lawyers have the pick of who they would like to be in the jury box. I am presuming that they look for a certain profile that will help their case - be it a jury that will think rationally or emotionally.

This was a civil case - medical malpractice. When the clerk call the juror to the jury box, they ask you all kinds of questions that will eliminate any doubt that you can look at the facts of the case without any prejudice. They of course ask your name, profession, family, and past employment history and if there are any experiences or people you many know that may impact you to have a bias. That did eliminate quite a few of the jurors. But finally they settled on the seven that was finally chosen.

It was interesting to note that the diversity in the seven jurors - two women - one white, one ethnic, five men - four white, one African American. The ages of all the jurors ranged from 20's to 60's. The experience was a good one - a memorable one for all of us especially the five of the seven who were on a jury for the first time. Also interesting to note that of the seven - three of us were naturalized citizens - all from different countries - the UK, Canada and India.

While on a jury you are not allowed to discuss the case in any shape or form with anyone until it is over. A serious responsibility, if violated is considered in contempt of court and can be punished by fine and/or imprisonment. I found myself catching myself on various occasions as I discussed different topics with my fellow jurors. I had to tell my kids too that they could not play 20 questions to appease their curiosity and nodding my head was just as wrong as telling them.

The interactions between us jurors led us to discussions on various topics including the state of the economy and the bailout for the Big 3. We all agreed that the rest of the country had absolutely no clue how to run an automotive company and we in Detroit feel quite passionately about our cars. If they all drove American cars maybe they would not be so apathetic. As we spent more time with the case, our personalities showed - the sports enthusiast, the mom - who made sure we had candy, group leader - who took all the notes.

As we came to the last day we were ready for the case to be over even though we all loved hearing 'All rise for the Jury' every time we entered the court room. We needed to go back to our regular lives. We made a unanimous decision to bring in lunch so that we could save time and would do our very best to come to a decision by 5pm. The final witness was examined and cross examined and the lawyers made their closing arguments and then the judge gave is our instructions. At 4pm we were sequestered in the jury room for deliberations.

I did not think about it then, but as I think about it now - I realize that women think emotionally. As we selected our foreperson and went around the table making our decision - we were 4 and 3. We would like to come to a unanimous decision but by law we only need 6 of the 7. We went around the table explaining why we chose our stand - based on our belief and the evidence that was presented. As each person gave their point of view - the focus were on the 3 that were still undecided. As each point was discussed and deliberated the gap closed - it was now 5 and 2. There were more discussions - interesting point to note that we did not need to look at any evidence. We had seen it so many times it was committed to memory. It is now 4:45 and it is now 6 and 1. Even though there was an option to go ahead the team wanted a unanimous decision. The discussion centered around how nurses are a passionate lot who are patient advocates and care for their patients. It is now 4:55 and the final vote is taken - it is Unanimous! Phew.

The decision was presented before the court and it was all over. At the end we had made new friends, had a better understanding of all that goes on the hospital floor, had a renewed respect for nurses and learnt a whole lot of medical terms. We had all just played a very important role in doing our civic duty.

I walked to the parking lot to get into my car and noticed the other juror knocking on my window. His battery died and needed a jump start. I did not have one but the court clerk who was parked next to me did. As he got his Lexus up and running - I said to him softly - "Now if you had an American car you probably would not have had a problem.'

At the end of it all - I felt good - did my civic duty and an American car saved the day.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Do you know how to build a car?

Do you know how to build a car? I don't think so. So why don't you leave that to the experts in Detroit. They have been doing it for a 100 years.

I never realized how passionate I would be about the auto industry until I saw the reaction of the rest of the country and the Congress. As we watched the congressional hearings I cringed in embarrassment as the senators lashed out at the Big 3 CEO's. I could feel the humiliation of every auto industry worker when the CEO's were referred to as beggars with tin cups arriving in personal jets. That was dumb - it did not really help their case.

However does anyone know how to build a car? Before that, I would like to ask - how many of those senators and congressmen drive American cars? Did you notice that while Obama's entourage was driving American, Senator McCain was driving a Toyota? All those senators who lashed out at the Big 3 were from southern states where Toyota and Honda have their plants. Everyone seems to be gung ho on allowing the Big 3 to go bankrupt.

Wake up people! You have already allowed all your manufacturing to be done by China or outside the US. Are you willing to become an impotent nation that has no manufacturing of their own? Have you forgotten or did you never learn of the industrial revolution and the role of Henry Ford in being instrumental in making this nation as a developed nation?

Now I am not saying that everything what they have done so far is right and there are definitely changes that need to be made - but in this present economy when the whole world's fate is dependent on how the US handles it - don't you think that we should be patriotic and support one our own so that we can come back as a leader?

Nobody seemed to have any trouble when the big banks failed and the government shoved billions of dollars down their throat, whether they wanted it or not. Hmm, maybe the senators didn't want their stocks to lose any value or being greedy is okay as long as it does not affect my portfolio. Hypocrisy at its ultimate, don't you think?

Its official

I finally succumbed and created a blogspot. Too many things happening around me and too many thoughts in my head to keep quiet.

I have this picture of my head and thoughts and words just pouring out from every orifice cause it cannot be contained within. The economy, the reaction of the rest of the world against the auto industry, the Mumbai attacks, my take on life, where I need to go from here, the reactions of people, my goal of writing just to name a few.

So look here to read about my musings as I take on the world and all its problems and how it affects me.