Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

I am excited as 2008 closes and I see 2009 approaching. As I write this post, my extended family have already rung in the new year on the other side of the world. I see the 2009 as the year of Hope and Change. Not only for me but also the entire world.

We have elected the first President of color, I have entered into the world of blogging (not that the two events are of the same magnitude in the larger scheme of things but in my mind the possibilities are endless)and there is so much to look forward to. As the United States and the world watch and wait as the new President takes over the Oval Office, I look at this historic event as a bookmark to my first step into unchartered waters for me.

After my last blog I had a chance to sit down and think about what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. So this is the top five that I came up with:

1. Write on this blog everyday (> or = 291 posts)
2. Don't worry, be happy (since happiness is a state of mind)
3. Smile more (reflective of #2)
4. Find my passion (so that I can meet #2 and 3)
5. Increase my earning power (when I meet #4, #5 will be attainable)

I know except for #1, the rest sound corny since it is not the typical goal - you know measurable, attainable, trackable etc, but I think it will be reflective in number 1. Besides, in order to meet number 2, 3, 4 and 5 there are a number of other goals that will fall into place.

Do you have any New Year Resolutions?

Happy New Year!!!!

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