Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blogging 101

As mentioned in earlier posts, this whole blogging experience is very new to me. As I keep my eyes and ears open about blogging and ever since I have made a conscious decision to write everyday on this blog, I hear and see more and more information about blogging. (That, by the way is the Law of Attraction taking place.)

I read somewhere it takes a year to learn and another year to perfect a new skill. Considering this is my new skill, I am giving myself a year to educate myself in this creative task of writing and you will see the progress I make along those lines.

To start, I decided to go with something relatively simple that gave you all the tools - so that I can focus on the main topic which is writing. That was the main idea of creating the blog - developing the habit of writing everyday. As I forayed into the blogging world, I see the endless opportunities out there - depending which way you want to go. But, whatever the intention - Content is King - as I have read in countless of the posts out there. If you write something that is worth reading - they will come.

So having said that - the next is understanding what all the terms mean. I can see that there are some that specialize in the novices on setting up their blog and others in helping them monetizing the blogs. There are others that will help you understand the nuances of marketing and some others that will help you increase your page rank or readers.

Adding Google AdSense was easy - sign up and it walks you through it. It says it is the easy way to generate income but I have yet to see it in action. The way I understood it - based on your article and key words - corresponding ads will be placed on your site. If a reader clicks on it - you get paid for it. Hmmm - I hope it is working.

I am still learning the terms and I see - twitter follower, reader, subscriber, follower, RSS feed to name a few. At this point I wanted to know how many people read this blog. I haven't done any publicity. So I went to Bravenet and downloaded a counter. From the looks of it - I don't think it should count the times that I log in - I am still checking that out. The stat counter does tell me how many unique, new and repeat hits I have.

Now to understand what the RSS feed is and what does feedburner do and do I need it.

Feel free to educate me on the blogging terms and how they can help.

1 comment:

Gypsy Girl said...

will send detailed mail:) Hugs! Keep writing lady