Sunday, January 4, 2009

I am building it - so will they come?

Ok, so I wanted mine to look like all the other professional ones out there and did not know how. So thank you to for simple instructions for novices like me. I wanted the Feedburner stats like everyone else had so I just had to go to Feedburner and follow the instructions. Duh! I figured out how to add the number of readers (which at this time is only me) and the RSS feed (which stands for Really Simple Syndication - which means that people will know when I have updated my blog and they can read it without going to the site, sort of like a bookmark).

Now just to figure out how to let people know about my blog. Hmm, I guess posting about it will help, any ideas where to start?


Gypsy Girl said...

Write stuff.. and they will come.. :)

Gypsy Girl said...

Chk detailed mail.