The more I think about it - I keep coming back to the same point - It is all about the writing.
As I go through all the blogs and see what people came up with and how - it comes back to the same thing - it is all about the writing.
I see those who are successful - it is because they have been doing it for 15 years- the writing that is.
I watched the Golden Globes as Slumdog won 4 of them - an amazing sense of pride for India - it grabbed the attention to be made into a movie, because it was written so well - it was based of a book - once again it is all about the writing.
At this point it is not about how many readers - it will be at some later point - but right now - it is all about the writing.
So let get back - to the writing.
Lesson 9 of the free Engage course delves into how to use visualization to
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Very well written, I agree - it's all about writing.
:) spoken from the heart!!
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