Tuesday, January 20, 2009

3 Strengths for Success

It has only been a week since I started taking the online course but I feel like I have been swimming in it for a while - SEO's, twitter, Word press, domain, registrar, social network media, Cpanel, one click install...... the list goes on and on.

It is very easy to get intimidated listening to all those terms and you wonder what the heck are you doing. Then you have to keep reminding yourself - you are in this to learn - don't worry about being perfect, make a few mistakes - its OK. Most of the guys there know because they have been messing around with it for a while. So take a deep breath and keep going.

Reading all the posts definitely gives you perspective and also give you an idea how people think. But after reading all that - I found the 3 characteristics you need to be successful are:

1. Be courageous - don't be afraid - the moment you start to start doubting yourself - you can forget it. You cannot afford to wonder what if they don't like it. Well, if they don't like it - they will tell you. Then you change it - that's how you learn.

2. Be sincere - people will know if you are not. You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time. Whatever you do - do it sincerely and the results will show.

3. Be positive - This is hard in times of adversity, but this is key for your well being. You have to always think of the good in everything, be thankful for what you do have and then you realize it ain't all that bad after all.

Having said that - the above 3 strengths are not meant for blogging, it works for any field that you may be in. So buckle up, smile and carry on.

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