Friday, January 9, 2009

My first month report - Happy Anniversary to me

It has been a little over a month since I started blogging yet it seems like I just started yesterday. I started the blogging cause I needed to write. There were too many ideas and words overflowing in my head that needed to be on paper. This was the the perfect forum - where I could keep track of everything I am doing and see how my thoughts and ideas shape my writing.

As is only natural while on the web, you start to surf and one post leads to a link and then to another and the next thing you know three hours have passed. The most amazing thing about blogging is the amount of information that is available at your fingertips. Do you know what the most overwhelming thing about blogging is - you got it - the amount of information that is available.

As I read some of the blogs (I have the link on my fave reads) there are some points that I have taken into consideration, some that I am not ready for and some that makes sense depending on what you want to do.

In the last month - I learnt a little more about how to use blogger, adding links etc, write almost everyday, added AdSense, figured out how to read the stats, found a few great blogs that i like to read, subscribed to a couple and still finding my voice. There is enough information to tell me how to go about doing all of the above.

This month I am plan is to write everyday, comment on a few blogs, understand what affiliate marketing is all about, and keep writing. Strange how I feel about it. If I have not written in a couple days, I get antsy, like I am missing something. It only takes 21 days to create a habit. I am trying to make it a habit to write everyday. So far so good.

Q: Why am I blogging?
Answer: To write.

I have read about folks starting to blog for various reasons - whether it be meeting with like minded individuals or making money or both. I have subscribed to a couple posts where they show how you can make a $100 dollars in a day - yet there are so many terms that I don't understand, or I don't get the concept - cause I am blogging to write.

I have seen blogs that say that you should have your own domain hosted website so that people will take you seriously - but is there anything that is free? Yes there is and I am using it. Right now I cannot afford to buy my own space - I am still finding my voice.

Some of my favorite blogs are about people who write cause they love to write - and they do it consistently and they write about what they know and what they have experienced - and I like that - cause I am doing that too.

I see articles about blogging, search engine optimization (SEO), increasing views and readers, twitter, face book, RSS feeds, interviews, podcasts, e-books and the list goes on and on. Just goes to show how much is out there to learn.

I am still finding my voice. When I do, you will be the first to know. In the meantime you can tell me how did you find yours (voice, that is) or are you still looking?

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