Saturday, January 31, 2009

East versus West

I have always been more inclined towards the natural. Natural remedies, natural processes, natural ingredients. I come from a culture that is more than 5000 years old and it is not unusual for people to look at western medicine versus eastern medicine as an alternative healing method.

Everyone's journey through life involves asking questions. The answers we get decide on how we make our choices. Unitl now I feel I have led a passive life - not asking enough questions. However, now I find myself wide awake, as if I have been freed of the unseen bonds that were forcing me to keep quiet. And the inflow of information that has been coming my way has been absolutely fascinating. My chance meetings with people who have read all the great books and my finding certain books that before I would never have thought of indicates that when the student is ready the teacher will come.

I have never claimed to be an expert in the great classics or the ancient texts - all I am is a student of life. Having been brought up in a traditional eastern philosophy household, there are certain things that were never questioned. You just did without wondering if it was good or bad. It was always for the best. However, in the west, you are encouraged to ask questions, a new concept for me.

Interestingly, many of the concepts that doctors, scientists and engineers spend many hours experimenting with, have already been explained and discussed in the ancient texts. However, the modern mind seeks a scientific explanation for all the happenings of the universe.

I will be journeying throught the ancient texts over the next few weeks, traveling to an ancient land and will be in the midst of scholarly explanantions. I am excited to hear what they have to say since I know that most of what is explained in the ancient texts is relevant today.

Stay Tuned!

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