Sunday, January 4, 2009


As Aretha Franklin belted out in her song - I got to have just a little respect...

What is it about human nature that drives one to treat people without respect. It looks like if you treat me well, I treat you like dirt, however, if you treat me like dirt, I will treat you very well. Why is it that people never take each other at face value? Why do people see the worst in others?

Every person is good, there are no bad people, just bad circumstances. But in my observance of human nature I see that when one is nice to someone - they wonder why? They expect the worst. What is in it for you? - they ask. Husband or wife, brother or sister, teacher or student, friend to friend, employer and employee - it does not matter what the relationship - that question is always in the back of the mind - what is in it for you? Or on the other hand - walk all over them cause you think they are weak. Why? Is it human nature to want to be in control and control others?

The ancient texts say that what you receive is a reflection of what you project. Keeping that in mind, in order to gain the respect of those around you, you have to project the vibrations that will encourage the same feeling. Be confident, be true to who you are and what you want from life, have the courage of conviction to stand up for what you believe in. It is a hard concept to follow if you are not used to standing up for yourself.

Children watch adults and imitate them. Or children see the downside of not standing up for yourself and swear they will never be that way. If a child lives with kindness and consideration they learn respect. In this fast paced competitive world, I see more disrespect - whether it be towards parents, elders or teachers.

Are we as parents setting a good example for our children? Are we being kind and considerate towards others and their beliefs? Are we raising a generation that is respectful of their past, cherish the present and care about the future?

Are we?

1 comment:

Gypsy Girl said...

Children learn with what they live. That's the hard part. the cynic in me agrees with what you say. Everything is too fast paced that people live in their own bubble. and most don't really care. Sad but true. But as parents we can make a difference.