Monday, January 5, 2009


What is in a name? After all a rose is a rose is a rose no matter what other name you call it. Even when you name a child you are told to be careful what you name it. Each name has a personality that is reflected in that child. As I am in the process of creating this blog and finding my passion, I am trying to see what kind of name do I want to use.

I have been reading a number of blogs and look at the names that people use. Some use their real names, some use names that indicate their personality, some others create a name that reflect their passion and yet others create a totally different name.

Reading some of the reasoning behind the names is also quite interesting. Of course you have a pseudonym so that if you are in a profession that everyone knows who you are, you don't want to be identified or you have a contract job and don't want your employer to know. But there are other reasons too - women pick a name of a man so that they are taken seriously, men who write romance novels take women names so they are taken seriously (after all who wants to read a romance novel that is written by a man :))and some pick a name with the last name that would be right between two very famous authors on the bookshelf.

Yet another interesting way of figuring out what name to pick is to see what shows up when you type your name on I never thought of that. With Amazon carrying so many products and so many people buying online - it is interesting to see how many other people have the same name as you. Apparently there are quite a few with mine.

I thought about what I wanted to be called - do I want a name that shows what I do, and be taken seriously when other people see my name and describes my passion. So here are a few that I came up with - sunny girl - I have a sunny disposition, dancer - even though I am a dancer none of my writing is about dance - yet, what am I passionate about? - everything in Life - life lover - as opposed to death lover - I don't think so.

So that leaves me with what am I doing all the time - writing. So for now I think I will stick to busyriting. What's in a name you ask - everything. Does it describe what I do - yes, does it sound interesting versus silly - yes, am I passionate about it - if that means seeing my thoughts on paper whether or not people read it - yes.

So do you have a pseudonym?


Manoj said...
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Manoj said...

How about "Gorgeous dancing diva - words dance to my tunes" as a name

Word Dancer said...

Hey - I like that - I think I will use that.

Gypsy Girl said...

:) I like what mannu said...