A King was dreaming. Yes we can!
The layoffs are starting. Yes we can!
The gas prices are skyrocketing. Yes we can!
The food prices are going up. Yes we can!
The stock market is crashing. Yes we can!
The homes are foreclosing. Yes we can!
The war is not ending. Yes we can!
The election is happening. Yes we can!
The people are rallying. Yes we can!
Obama is winning. Yes we can!
Everyone is celebrating. Yes we can!
One President is leaving. Yes we can!
One door is closing. Yes we can!
A new President is arriving. Yes we can!
Another window is opening. Yes we can!
The dream is now living. Yes we can!
Yes we can! Yes we can! Yes we can!
Lesson 9 of the free Engage course delves into how to use visualization to
attract and enjoy the experience of being in love with a delightful
partner, inc...
Grin!!! Obama fan aren't we?;)
Yes we are!
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