Monday, March 30, 2009

The spirit of the American Dream

The news is horrible, sometimes it is better not to turn on the news - that way at least you don't feel so depressed at the end of it. In spite of all the bad news, one has to be hopeful that things will change for the better. I guess that is what keeps us going.

As we read about the different businesses and the big bucks that some people made, some of the those numbers have so many zeroes, it is difficult to comprehend.

How does one cope with falling value of houses, no jobs and rising unemployment? In places like Detroit and surrounding areas, it has affected the economy so badly, even the non automotive businesses are suffering. That is no surprise considering people need to have jobs to have insurance to pay for going to the doctor or dentist. If people want to move, how do they do that if no one can afford or buy the house? It seems to be a vicious circle.

However, the spirit of the American Dream is what keeps us going. The belief that working hard will eventually get you where you need to go. People were complacent where they were and the recession pulled the rug out from under them. This shook many out of their comfortable slumber and were forced to take a hard look at reality. The good thing about all this is that recessive times call for creative measures. While of course there are scams running rampant - sticking with the philosophy that hard work pays - it eventually does.

Many are doing what they need to do to keep food on the table. Whether it is working 3 part time jobs, starting their own business that provides value or bartering their services in exchange for other goods or services - the spirit of the American Dream is definitely in action.

No matter how bad things may seem right now - this too shall pass.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tracking progress

It is almost the end of the first quarter and I thought it would be a good idea to see how far I have gone in achieving my goals and meeting the resolutions set at the beginning of the year.

This is what I said on Dec 31 2009:

1. Write on this blog everyday (> or = 291 posts)
2. Don't worry, be happy (since happiness is a state of mind)
3. Smile more (reflective of #2)
4. Find my passion (so that I can meet #2 and 3)
5. Increase my earning power (when I meet #4, #5 will be attainable)

Now looking at the list - it is all still attainable.

1. I still have 254 posts to go in the next 9 months - that is approximately 28.2 posts a month - that works to one almost every day.
2. Definitely happy
3. I think I am smiling but how do I make sure I am.
4. I am definitely ahead of where I was when I started.
5. I am working on it - based on most of what is written about that subject - it takes a while to get there.

So far so good - now to make it better.

Wish me luck.

Friday, March 27, 2009


You have heard it often enough 'Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.' I truly subscribe to that statement.

The media portrays an image of what is beautiful, for a girl, that is. Girls in high school have an image of what is beautiful which is very different than what women in their 30's and 40's think if what is beautiful. Men in their 30's and 40's have a very definite idea of what is beautiful, not very different from men in their 60's and 70's. However boys in their teens have a different idea it would seem.

While most of the world are busy trying to lose weight and combat the battle of the bulge - I wonder if many even wonder what it is like to be too thin? Do they have an idea what it is like to be made fun of because you cannot put on weight and have no figure so to speak.

Girls in high school want to be tall and thin but curvy, clear skin great hair - like the air brushed images you see in the magazines. Women in their 30's and 40's often want to see themselves as they did when they were in their 20's. But marriage and childbirth usually has taken a toll on the body. Men in their 30's and 40's, however, admire their wife's mature figure - (they better admire it if they know what is good for them) while their wife's wish they had their pre-pregnancy figure. Men in their 60's and 70's are smart cause they make it a point to publicly admire they wife (figure and all) cause they have figured out what is good for them. However the boys in their young teens are trying to fit in and say what their peers are saying.

It has taken me a while to figure it out and lots of 'You are so beautiful' to separate the wheat from the chaff. Beauty is relative - when someone says you are beautiful- sometimes they truly mean it - but other times - it is because they feel ugly.

Beauty is from within.

If you are confident and care about yourself and those around you - it shows on the outside.
If you are passionate and not afraid to face life - it shows on the outside.
If you are happy with who you are and what you do - it shows on the outside.

And that, my friends, is beauty.

So are you beautiful? You most definitely are.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What kind of person are you?

There are three groups of people

The first group are brilliant - in everything - everything comes easy to them, nothing is too hard. They don't even have to try, however, there is a flaw. They cannot handle failure. It is hard for them to contemplate that they can fail - at anything.

The second group work really hard - and if it does not work the first time, they learn from their mistakes and keep going. They are good people and they can even handle failure.

The third group are very capable of being very successful if they want to. If they decide to do anything, it is because they have to not because they care, if they don't, it is because they don't want to. They are mostly oblivious to success and failure - marching to the beat of their own drum.

What struck me about this very specific demarcation of people was that it was explained to me by my 11 year old based on his experience with life. Interestingly his Dad falls in the first category, his sister, who is his hero, is in the second category and his mom and he both fall in the third category. He also gave examples of some of the other people he knows and I have to say he is right on the money.

Now I am not sure whether I should be upset about being put in the 3rd category or impressed with his observation and logic.

So which group are you in?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Its all in the Mind!

In these tough economic times you have to find creative ways to survive. There is no doubt that times are the worst since the recession, and in case you are not convinced, just take a look around you. You will find enough information on the TV, radio, news, magazines or the web that will confirm it.

However, there is that element of hope that says this too shall pass. And you have to know that it is a question of perception. There is a definite difference between the following: a) putting your head in the sand and being in complete denial b)accepting that times are tough and doing your best to conserve and be careful spending while at the same time being miserable about it and c)taking it all in stride and doing your best while keeping your outlook positive.

It is all in the mind - cause you are afraid that your child will ask if they are poor because they had to cut down on spending.

It is all in the mind - cause your child is wondering if their friend is rich even though only one parent is working but they never seem to talk or want for money.

It is all in the mind - when you create an environment of scarcity because you talk of lack of money because you are afraid.

It is all in the mind - when you think about this being a temporary place, as a stepping stone for something better.

It is all in the mind - when you see yourself in a position of prosperity.

It is all in the mind - and it happens for real because you wanted it to happen.

Friday, March 20, 2009

So many dreams, So little time!

How do you handle achieving so much when there is so much to achieve?

For the longest time I thought that dreaming was what you did when you did not want to deal with real life. You know, in school or college when the teacher is boring - o the things you could do. Have you noticed that the nicest weather is when you have exams? Why is that?

Then life kind of gets in the way and there is stuff you have to do - whether you like it or not. it took me a while to figure out that life is what you make of it. That was not a cliche anymore - it really is true. Live in the now and feel every emotion instead of bypassing it or refusing to accept it.

That is when the goals formed - you know, dreams with deadlines - but that sounds so ominous - like if you did not achieve it you will die - I think I like the sound of 'dreams with dates' much better.

Interesting reaction to those who have a different view of life - the ones steeped in the old ways who believe that dreams are something you chase after you are done with your duties - But here is my question - is there ever a time that your duties are over? Whether you are a daughter, sister, wife, mother, daughter-in-law, you always have a duty to perform. The challenge is to be able to do both without upsetting the boat - but that is not easy - that is why it is a challenge.

So what conclusions have I come to? That you can still achieve your dreams but you take it one step at a time - starting with writing them down and then looking at it every day. That is a reminder whether or not you have completed it. And once you achieve it - give thanks to the Universe for making it happen and then move on to the next one.

So one down and many more to go.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Power of Desire

It is said that if you truly and wholeheartedly desire something, nothing and no one can come in the way of it - not even the Universe. Why is that?

It is the power of the mind. Even though we are only using 10% of our brain power - O what a power it is! It is the power that gives creation to ideas and makes things happen. As a student of Reiki - the philosophy is that energy follows thought. No matter what anyone may have to say about the fact that they believe it or not - that is the truth. If you have read the Secret - it says something similar according to the Law of Attraction.

If you desire it, then you must focus on it, you think it, dream it, visualize it, believe it, plan it, feel it, see it and enjoy it.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Good times or Bad?

Would you consider the recession right now good times or bad? I can almost see the reactions of some people "What kind of a stupid question is that? Of course these are bad times." I am not so sure.

I would not call it bad times but in the spirit of a true optimist I would call it an opportunistic or challenging times. For example - if I had to start a business during the boom period - well it should not be hard - correct. People have money to spend and you have to sell. So what happens when the tides turn? Can you still stay afloat?

However - if you decide to start something during a recession - there is tremendous amount of competition. Not only that - for each job there are probably 30 contenders versus 2 or 3 during a boom time. This forces you to be creative and look for unique opportunities as well as something that will sustain. So what happens if the tide turns - well then things can only turn for the better.

Good times tend people to be complacent and take everything for granted. The recession forces people to be competitive and take a hard look at what they are doing and how long it is going to sustain them. It forces you to think, really think.

So where am I? I was in the thinking phase. Now, it is time for action. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude

How do you keep your thoughts focused and positive in these troubling economic times?
By having an attitude of gratitude.

What does that mean? It means you look at what you have and be thankful versus looking at what you don't have and be miserable.

I got laid off but I am thankful that my husband has his job.
The cost of going to the doctor has gone up but I am thankful that my family is healthy.
There are those that cannot afford their house but I am thankful that I can still pay my mortgage.
Cost of entertaining yourself has gone up but I am thankful there are activities you can do that don't cost a dime like the library, the park, playing board games or spending time with your family and friends.
Times may look bleak but I am thankful I have my dance that forces me to look above and beyond.
I may not have much to give but I can give my time and attention.

Thank you to my family and friends for helping me keep it all together during these tough times.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Steeped in Spirituality

India has always been considered a nation steeped in spirituality and less materialistic whereas the United States has always been considered a nation leaning more towards materialism and less spirituality.

I never thouhgt too much about it until my recent trip. Nowhere else do I know where your daily routine is assimilated into your spiritual routine. While in the US everything is geared towards the weekend or holidays - there is no such concession in India. Things happen when they have to happen. If you can attend - great, if not - its okay. Surprisingly a lot of people do make it a priority to attend most religious functions.

I don't know of any other country that has as many holidays celebrating every religion as India does either. Talk about a true democracy. With all religions living in close proximity, nobody is averse to going to a church even if one is Hindu. The ultimate goal is to be able to talk to god and get him to listen to your prayers, so if lighting a few candles hastens the process - why not?

Lighting the lamp, chanting the prayers aloud, consulting astrologers to get a guidance on what actions to take for good results or meeting spiritually advanced Gurus to get guidance on life is quite the norm.

My daughter asked so what do normal people do - the ones that don't have access to all that. All I have to say is I am thankful that I have an extra means to talk to the Higher Power. I can only gain from it, no?