Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Good times or Bad?

Would you consider the recession right now good times or bad? I can almost see the reactions of some people "What kind of a stupid question is that? Of course these are bad times." I am not so sure.

I would not call it bad times but in the spirit of a true optimist I would call it an opportunistic or challenging times. For example - if I had to start a business during the boom period - well it should not be hard - correct. People have money to spend and you have to sell. So what happens when the tides turn? Can you still stay afloat?

However - if you decide to start something during a recession - there is tremendous amount of competition. Not only that - for each job there are probably 30 contenders versus 2 or 3 during a boom time. This forces you to be creative and look for unique opportunities as well as something that will sustain. So what happens if the tide turns - well then things can only turn for the better.

Good times tend people to be complacent and take everything for granted. The recession forces people to be competitive and take a hard look at what they are doing and how long it is going to sustain them. It forces you to think, really think.

So where am I? I was in the thinking phase. Now, it is time for action. Wish me luck!


Manoj said...
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Manoj said...

All the best. Most ideas die at post ideation stage. Successful ideas are ones which are put into action.