Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Making a man out of the boy

My son always wants to know when he is going to hit puberty. Being a year younger than everyone else and shorter than most puberty has yet to catch up with him.

While all the other boys are growing tall - his legs are definitely getting long, because I have to get him new pants. While all his friends voices are breaking, his is still very much a high pitched voice. He is waiting for the time when he has a mustache and he can shave - he has been practising but that does not seem to accelerate the process.

In my mind he is still my baby - but he is in such a hurry to grow up. And I want him to be prepared. Having an older sister definitely helps in the socializing department. He gets the lowdown on all the fashions, movies and latest gossip. But what happens when his sister has gone off to college? He has to be prepared to face the world and survive. Growing up is tough.

So we had decided that this was the summer we would do it - make a man out of him - by learning to cook. There is an underlying reason for this you know - girls love guys who can cook. Of course it was suggested by the expert on what girls like - his sister.

All jokes aside - I am a firm believer that everybody should know how to do everything. You don't have to do everything but you should know how. For boys - it is learning to cook and do laundry. I also expect boys to treat women with respect and not cuss in public.

I always thought it was the father that boys emulate - and they do. Fathers are their heroes but it seems like it is the mom's job to guide them in that path. A woman's job is never done.

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