Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What ever happened to world peace?

What in the world is happening to everyone? You hear about white supremacist killing because he hated the Jews and people in Australia hating the immigrants and beating them up.

Why can't people just live and let live? If you work hard, you should get rewarded. If you don't work then don't expect to get rewarded. Why do you have to get rewarded just because you found a way to beat the system? And why is that something to be proud of anyway?

A few years ago the world was huge and people and countries were very far away. But in this day and age with computers, twitter, Facebook and a score of other social networking the world has become so much smaller. News travels faster, be it good news or bad news.

Today, you may be of Indian origin and may never have even been to India. You could be Black, Jewish and live in Netherlands - it does not matter. The boundaries of race, country and religious background have blurred. There are inter religious, inter racial and even same sex marriages. Get with the program people or you will become like Miss California who got fired. Of course the official reason was for not stepping up to the plate.

What does it matter what the other people are doing as long as they are doing an honest day's work? If you are unhappy about something, it is because of something within you. Help others and you will feel better. Not beat and kill others - violence never really solved anything anyway. Did it?

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