Sometimes I wish someone just told me what to do so I do not have to think. Never mind, been there done that and nope, it does not help.
You have to go through the process of making the decision yourself in order to make it worthy. You have to go through the pain and agony of each pro and con of each factor and hash it out in your head, talk it out loud in front of the mirror or discuss it aloud with a close one - before you realize how weak it sounds.
Why can't it be so easy as Yes or No - and sometimes even those are the hardest.
Why can't it be as easy as black or white - and sometimes you want it to be gray.
Why can't it be as easy as this is what I want period - and sometimes you want to be practical.
I guess if it has to be worth it - then the process has to be painful.
Another life lesson.
Lesson 9 of the free Engage course delves into how to use visualization to
attract and enjoy the experience of being in love with a delightful
partner, inc...
I am available at $1000/hour for making decisions for others. For you, will give you a 25% discount on the above price. I can do it for free but then no one will value it.
Thanks Mannubhai, for giving me a discount. :) But then will you tell me what I want to hear? Or for that will you charge me more?
I will tell you what you want at that discounted price. I am sure you hear what you don't want to hear for free :-)
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