Friday, April 24, 2009

What makes you tick?

I read an interesting article that talks about what makes you achieve your dreams. It boils down to two things - inspiration or desperation.

Well, when you think about it - it makes complete sense.
Either it has to be something that is so awesome that fires up your engine that you want to go out and do it OR you are so desperate and determined that you will go all out to make sure it happens.

You can look at it as a positive or negative. Some people with think of it as a negative but I like to look at it as a positive.
If someone tells you that there is something wrong - instead of looking at it as a criticism - I would look at it as a challenge and an opportunity to do better and learn something.

So what makes me tick?
As a friend mentioned - it is inspiration and desperation but most of all it is perspiration - after all without hard work nothing can be achieved.


Manoj said...

I agree and will add another element. "Nothing to lose". A lot of people make it big in life because they had nothing to lose so they went and gave it all. People who have something to lose are the ones a little afraid and then they need the inspiration or desperation scenario to propel them to do something.

Word Dancer said...

That is true - the nothing to lose ties in to not afraid. Even if tey lost it - no big deal.