Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Life is fair

If you don't have anything good to say - don't say it.
Treat others how you want to be treated.
There are no bad people only bad circumstances.

How many of you heard the above statements - so many times - that they are cliches?
But let me tell you my friends, they have been around for so long because it is true.

A lousy situation at work might prompt you into saying something nasty about a colleague or a boss - but it will haunt you when you are out of a job and need their help. Now you know why they say - get references?

Even at the high school level and you apply for college - they say get 3 references from teachers who LIKE you. Why ruin your chances of getting into a college because someone gave you a bad letter of reccommendation?

When something does not go your way - you say "Life is not fair!"
When kids don't get what they want when they want it, they say - Life is not fair!
When you plan every step meticulously and it still does not work out, you say - life is not fair!

But life is fair - You just don't know all the facts.

You can relate it to the Butterfly effect - Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system - this is the scientific explanation.

When you look at it philosphically - there are reasons why things happened - it is always for the best - you just cannot see it right now.

So if things go wrong and you say - Life is not fair, just remember

Life is fair - you just don't know all the facts!


Manoj said...

I am sure the guy who lagaoed me Shendi will agree that life is fair, to him atleast.

Beautifully written, especially the last line about the facts. Awesome.

Word Dancer said...

Hey Mannu bhai - Thanks for the kind words - keeps me inspired.

As far as being fair - what goes around comes around. You are doing good so far.