Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Working out does work

I was never one in favor of working out. To me a gym was a dark, sweaty smelly place with no fresh air. The very thought of going inside on of those rooms and staring at a TV screen never did appeal to me.

Well, I have to say that gyms are not dark or smelly. And now I know the reason for those TV's (it is to distract you from looking at the clock). I started working out while I was job hunting. The dialogue about "exercising increases endorphins and endorphins make you happy" kept running in my head.

I have a buddy too - we keep each other motivated. She wants to lose weight and i want to build strength and stamina for my half marathon later this year. Now, if I don't work out - I feel all wired up like I forgot to do something.

I did not see the impact of working out until I went for physical therapy and I could do the exercises without being in pain. Now it takes longer for me to tire out when I do exercise.

I just got to make sure I don't get bored as I build my stamina.

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