Tuesday, July 28, 2009


it has been an interesting weekend. Conversations with friends, opinions of people who think they know it all, reactions of those who cannot handle being the center of attention to name a few. So to put it all in perspective I pulled out this piece of writing that I had copied from a poster in an 8th grade classroom and read from that.
I have no idea who wrote it but I think it is very profound and applies to everyone of all ages. Enjoy!

Life is not about keeping score. It is not about how many people call you and it is not about who you've dated, are dating or have not dated at all. Its not about who you've kissed, what sport you play or which guy or girl likes you. Its not about your hair or shoes or the color of your skin or where you live or go to school. In fact it is not about your grades, money, clothes or colleges that accept you or not. Life isn't about if you have lots of friends or if you are alone and its not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. In fact Life just isn't about that.

But Life is about who you love and who you hurt. It is about how you feel about yourself. It is about trust, happiness and compassion. It is about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love. Life is about overcoming ignorance, avoiding jealousy and becoming confident. It is about what you say and what you mean. It is for seeing people for who they are and not for what they have. Most of all it is about choosing your life to touch someone elses' in a way that could never have been achieved otherwise.

These choices are what Life is about.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Women rock!

I grew up in a patriarchal society - where the son inherits the property, where the wife goes to the husband's house and takes the husband's name and the children get the father's name.

But where I come from and many other parts of the world - there is a very strong matriarchal society - where the daughter inherits the property, the husband has to go to the wife's house and the husband never takes the wife's name but the children do.

Now as a mom, I think of all the things that I do and what happens if mom is not home or does not have it planned or organized it. You guessed right - nothing gets done or completed if mom is not involved.

Of course until men give birth (actually that already did happen with Thomas Beatie in Oregon but he was a woman first), women still have to go through labor physically and metaphorically. Have you noticed no matter how much the dad does, the kids still need their mom?

Moms are the ones who guide, help, cajole, threaten, bribe or force their children to do things that as moms think are good for their children. It could be reading, playing a sport, dancing, completing a project or following a routine. The children may not agree at the time but some time in the future they will look back and thank their mom.

Now all the while I was growing up I thought the man called the shots not realizing that it is the women who get the job done. So to all the girls out there - it does not matter what you plan on doing when you grow up - but as long as you have a child or children you will always be the most important person in that child's life and will be responsible in shaping that child.

"I get all the glory," says Leah Adler, Steven Spielberg's mother as she walks past one of his movie posters. "I eat it up. And all I have to do is be the mother."

Parenting in this day and age

Have you been listening to the songs on the radio recently? Have you watched any of the shows on TV recently? It really is a challenge for someone who is a parent trying to raise their child on values that you grew up.

We never had to worry about listening to songs that talked about drugs, sex or alcohol. The songs we listened to were poetry from the heart and had hidden meanings that we had to figure out. What ever happened to that?

We never had to worry about shows on television that glorified drugs, sex or alcohol. Now days you can't even hear a conversation that does not have at least a few swear words. Shows were funny and good clean fun that you could enjoy with the family. What ever happened to that?

We never had to worry about exposing our kids to inappropriate material on the Internet. Nowadays it is so easy to get access to material that is inappropriate.
We never had Internet so the rules are all different now.

Nowadays parenting is tough. Most of the parents are not even a traditional two parent family - the kids probably stay with only one parent. Society has changed. The traditional support group of grandparents or the community is harder to find. Kids grow up quicker because they have to deal with too much too soon.

They watch movies and listen to songs with subjects that we dealt with when we were adults. Definition of funny is not hilarious because of a spin of words or slapstick but different that involves a lot of cussing.

So as a parent how do I handle all this? Can I change society? No, but I can establish my own rules - respect for elders, manners and follow the rules. I don't think you are cool if you cuss in front of me - I just think you are out of control.
Treat others how you want to be treated and then see what happens.

I wonder how things will pan out when these kids become parents? Que sera sera..what will be will be...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


One is told that you should not have expectations, then you won't get disappointed.
But that is a hard concept to overcome. Even as adults you expect so much because you assume other people will follow through. But how do you explain that to a child?

How do you teach a child not to have expectations when you tell him you have high expectations of him? There is something wrong in that whole equation. If you look at human behaviour, your expectations are based on assumptions. Your assumptions are based on past behaviour. Your behaviour is based on training and how you have been brought up. Your training is based on your past experiences and your bringing up is based on your parents' belief system. So there are a lot of factors that go into this.

One thing you realize is that you cannot change people. You can only change yourself. So if you never want to be disappointed then you have to be the person who never disappoints. Like Mahatma Gandhi says 'be the change you want to be'.

You have to project to the universe the person you want to be so that people of similar nature are attracted to you. There will always be people who disappoint, but then again you cannot change them. Don't get stuck in that rut cause you may never get out.

So be the person you want to be and project that into the universe.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pounding pavement

So, I decided not to fall for that constant conversation in my head and run outside instead of indoor.

From advice given to me by seasoned runners - I should do my long distance running outside - gives you a feel for when you run the whole course. Good advice because the mind was so distracted with everything else going around you - there was no time to whine.

One of the advantages of running outside you have to keep going. Why? Because even if you decide you are tired you still have to make your way back home. Unless of course if you have someone following you in a car who can take you home or call someone to pick you up.

Another advantage - fresh air. when the weather is good, it could be a beautiful day to run. Fill up your lungs with the smell of summer - be it flowers, freshly mowed lawns or barbecue on the grill.

Some run with headphones on - I don't think it is a good idea since you have to be alert about your surroundings. It might work in a gym where you are trying to find things to keep you going.

How far did I run - I am not sure - still have to work it out - but I ran longer than I was at the gym and was less tired - does that mean I am getting stronger - probably.

Now to figure out how to get rid of the boredom while running.

Bringing up Kids

It is a very scary and daunting task - bringing up children and getting them prepared to face the world fraught of all kinds of dangers, teaching them to make the right decision, learning from their mistakes.

It is also the most rewarding of tasks you will ever do in your entire life or lives. I have utmost respect for those parents who do it alone and for those who adopt. It takes a special kind of person with a big heart to be able to adopt and raise kids, and if those kids are physically or mentally challenged - more power to them.

The hardest thing for a parent is stand by and watch their children make mistakes knowing that some things they have to figure out on their own. Even harder is for a parent to outlive their children.

A point that was constantly driven to me - you only have one chance to raise your kids - once that chance is over - nothing you do can ever make up for it. Another point was children watch and learn so they learn by example. Do what you want them to do so that they can see how you react and make decisions - actions speak louder than words. The problems don't go away once the children get older - the problems just get bigger with them.

Once a mom, always a mom right?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

To work or not to work...

I am sure there are countless mothers who go through this dilemma in their lives - do I go to work or do I stay home and raise kids?

For some there is not much of a choice - you have to pay bills and put food on the table - you have to go to work. For some others it is a choice - only one spouse can have a demanding career and yet for some it is a calculated choice - I stay home now with the baby and go back to work when the kids go back to school.

In the European countries, women are encouraged to stay home and raise their kids, and in some cultures it is a given. In the United States there are both - women who stay home and those who try and do it all. Nothing wrong with either in my opinion, however it is a question of balance.

When the kids are babies - they need their mothers - obviously. Nobody will look after their baby like their own unless it is the mom. But at times you will end up leaving your child with a baby sitter - because you have no one else around to help. The sad part is that those who are responsible for caring your most precious possession in the whole wide world is paid below minimum wage yet they have such a huge responsibility.

As the kids get older and they go to school, they still need their parents to help and guide them. Middle school is crucial because this is the awkward age, when the things their friends say will define how they look at life. Instilling confidence at this age is imperative, it gives them the courage to make the right decision.

By the time they get to high school, they have found what they have been looking for in their social lives, so they spend an inordinate amount of time with their friends and less time with their family. I guess it is preparation for when they leave home for college and they have to fend for themselves anyway.

The question of going to work starts to bother you when either you feel unfulfilled because suddenly you realize that 15 years have passed and your qualifications are out of date or you can't afford half the things cause you don't have that disposable income.

So what is the conclusion? You do what you have to do. Will it affect your kids if you work? No - they will learn to adjust in situations because you have taught them how to. Will they be spoilt if you stay home - No, not if you do everything for them. It is all about balance, give and take, sharing and caring.

Dreams and Goals

Do you know what the difference is between a goal and a dream - a goal is a dream with a deadline.

I must be going through a slump cause this is the conversation going through my head. Picture this:
I am in the gym got my spanking new shoes on and working out the time I have to run. Imagine a devil version of me (D) on one shoulder and the angel version (A)on the other have this conversation:
D: What the heck were you thinking? what made you think that you can run?
A: Hey, you got new shoes, you want to do it, you can make it happen.
D: Yeah right! It takes you 20 minutes to get past the hive stage - dang and that is uncomfortable and then you still have to run 10 more minutes before you get to 30 minutes
A: Don't think of all that, think of the end goal - in 3 months you will be able to run 13.1 miles because you have the stamina.
D: Ha ha ha ha. How are you going to run 13.1 miles when you cannot even get through 1 mile without feeling like your lungs are going to explode?
A: Of course you can, every time you run, you run a little more.
D: Oh yeah right - you look at the timer on the machine and try and figure out why 30 seconds takes so darn long.

By the end of that conversation - I am almost done with my workout, so the next tiem I go running, I am running outside - thank you.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I watched a movie of Adam Sandler called Don't mess with the Zohan - a stereotypical movie that literally makes the cliche's come to life. A spoof on the life of Arab and Israelis living in America and the life of an immigrant.

It was funny - to me it was - I am not sure if a Middle Eastern saw it what they would think. It was light hearted and silly but I am not sure if my neighbour would appreciate it or maybe he would be OK with it - after all he is living in America.

I live in a multicultural neighbourhood - we have all the races, actually Caucasian may be a minority. The kids all go to the same school on the same bus. They don't see color when they see their friends, they see the person for who they are.

One day as we went for a walk we noticed the number of lights and motion sensor lights at the neighbour. We heard it was because some kids were vandalizing their property and harassing them. I had no idea since I live next door and never heard a thing.

You would think that once you come to America there would not be this kind of behaviour. You should be able to live without fear. However from what is happening around me, it looks like it is easy to target those that fall under the stereotypes.
Sad because it is the kids who are doing this - and all that because of fear. Even sadder is it is not the true nature of the kids but what they hear from the adults.
Everyone is scared and it is easy to hate and bully than try and all get along.

Actually if you look beyond the suspicion - everyone is just trying to make a living. Here in America - you can achieve so much - everyone is trying to follow their dreams.

So live and let live.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Secret of taking the ACT/SAT successfully

For those not familiar with the ACT and SAT - it is the American College Test and the Scholastic Aptitude Test are the standardized tests that are taken in the United Sates by 11th graders in order to get into college. The scores on those tests are what the colleges use to sift the wheat from the chaff so to speak.

I went to one of the coaching classes and was fascinated to find out that here too you have to use the positive thinking concept in order to succeed. The tests are just that - tests. It is a question af how you take the test -so if you are not a good test taker then take them a few times so you know how to take the test.

If you think about it - the concepts used to take the test are the same as when you train for a marathon or a dance or a task that requires a tremendous amount of concentration. You focus, prepare, breathe, plan and execute. Most important, you have to look at the task as something you can achieve in the time that is allotted. You have to believe and not get overwhelmed by all that is happening.

There is a technique to study and a technique to do well. It all boils down to planning, literally to the last minute. To make it challenging, you give yourself only 50 minutes. When you are under pressure - your brain learns to make decisions in a small amount of time. Then you further break it down to each section and number of minutes per question based on number of questions.

The trick is not to dwell on each question but to spend only the planned time on each question - so if you still have not figured it out - move on and come back later. Now you know why you gave yourself only 50 minutes?

So are these tests on how well you will do in college? Umm no -All it shows is your basic understanding of language and math, do you follow instructions and how good are you at taking tests?

So how well did yo do your tests?

Endorphins make you happy

That is the truth - endorphins make you happy. But working out after almost a month sucks! Where did all those random muscles show up from - I thought I knew where everything was.

The hardest part about getting back into the running is getting back into the running. I had to drag myself and put my feet into those expensive running shoes that I am still justifying to everyone and force myself to go to the gym.

That was the hardest 30 minutes of my life - Sheesh! The weather is great but I figured running on a treadmill will at least let me keep track of the time and distance. I am supposed to be running by time now, not distance to build stamina.

You know the worst part about it - the legs start aching and protesting and just as you get into that comfortable mode - your blood vessels decide to start pumping more blood - next thing you know the hives start. I don't know about others but those hives was my reason to not run. Wait, you have yet to hear the worst - it takes 25 minutes for those hives to show - that means your most comfortable point is after that.

OK now that the whining is over - I am happy - I have to since I exercised, which produces endorphins, which makes you happy. Anyone have a problem with that?


There is nothing wrong in believing in Happily Ever After. I am a die hard romantic. I get made fun of a lot because I believe in romance. I admit, it is my guilty pleasure - reading romance novels. But I have to defend it - it makes you look at the world in a whole new perspective.

I don't think there is anything wrong in believing in romance -just because other people don't believe in it does not mean it does not exist.

Reading those romance novels is like opening Pandora's box. It gives you hope that the good things in the world do exist, there is abundance for everyone and the good people do win. A positive person cannot survive in negativity for long, they cannot gossip about people and find pleasure in other's misery. When you are in a situation like that it drains you, you are exhausted and depressed. Watching the news is just as depressing - all you hear is of plane crashed, deaths, murders and scams.

So now you say that in real life you have problems - well, in almost very story there is a hero and a heroine and there is a conflict or many conflicts. It is the resolving of the conflicts and the process that they take to resolve the conflict that makes it interesting. Of course it does make it fun if the hero is tall and dark and handsome and rich but at the end of the day it is the person inside that counts - what kind of character he/she is and how does he/she perceive the world. the interesting thing is art imitates life - a lot of those stories are based on people that do exist. For a writer - it is such freedom to create the character you want and make it behave the way you think it should.

I have heard many a time that life is not fair - but life is fair, you just don't know all the facts. In a romance novel - the facts all are presented to you at one time so the conflict resolution is easy.

Some say it is an escapism - but then so is television isn't it? A good escapism is my mind. I get to meet all these characters that I had no idea existed and I get to find out how they resolved a conflict and I don't have to wait till next week or ads to find out what happened next. Sounds like a plug for reading doesn't it? Hey if the shoe fits...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Passing Judgement

Sometimes I wonder why being good takes so much effort.

It is so easy to criticize and pass judgement on others especially when we don't have to be in their shoes. What is it about human nature that makes them want to be one up on every body else?

Look around you and take note of the conversations in your head and the comments that come out of people's mouths. It is always about why someone is doing,saying, wearing or making a decision about some that you did not like. What is interesting is that if you were in the same shoes as the other person, you would probably make the same choices, so what's the big deal?

Why does that happen? When people do that - they are projecting their own unhappiness to the universe. Why are people unhappy - because they want to be in a different situation and are fighting the one they are in now. So what do you do? Stop fighting the situation and go with the flow - you are much more likely to drown if you fight the current than if you go with the flow.

So how do you stop passing judgement? Understand that everyone has a purpose in this world. For each person they are where they are because of the choices they made. There is enough abundance for everyone so there is no need for you to be envious of the success of any other person. They got where they are because of their hard work. Be happy for them and good things wil happen to you too. Try it and see.

Get out of your Comfort Zone

When you work for a a fast paced aggressive company, you are constantly trying to prove yourself. It works very well for Type A personalities where they thrive on being on the edge. However for those that are not Type A's there is something to learn from that.

Being in a situation where you are not comfortable means you have to learn, learn quickly and pretend like you know it all and show it. I have found that works not only in a fast paced aggressive company but also in all aspects of life.

Nobody likes a whiner - it gets you down after a while. You get tired of listening to the same sob story over and over again. So if you are the whiner, stop whining, learn from your past and move on. It is hard for some people to do that, really hard.

If you walk around like a doormat - life will treat you like one. So stop being a doormat. Stand up for what you believe in, have faith and keep doing. After all how do you know where you stand unless you actually do something.

And while you are doing what you love, don't be afraid, smile and have fun. And when you look around you and see that people don't want to talk to you or they start talking about you - then guess what - you must be doing something right after all.

Carpe Diem! Seize the Day!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Decision time

Sometimes I wish I had a crystal ball so that I could tell my kids if the choices they made are the right ones. Sometimes I wish I could tell if the choices I made are the right ones.

This time of life is hard - both for parents and children. This time meaning summer before senior year of high school. It is time to make that crucial decision - which college to go to. Unlike when I was growing up - there is more than just plain academics that are involved. Academics does play a major role but there are other factors that are involved as well - the essay, the extra curricular, the leadership skills - all of that and more.

We have gone on so many college tours - after a while it all blended together. We have talked to so many people in so many positions at colleges including professors, counselors, admission committee members - but none of them could give you a straight answer - it all depends - was the common answer to the question - will I get admitted to this college.

The decisions you make at this time is important - early decision, early admission, binding, non binding - you plan and calculate what you want, where you want to go, how far is it, big school or small school, urban or rural, public or private - so many decisions. The colleges are narrowed down, the application is out. This is the summer of essay writing - where you put on paper why you think you are the best student to go that school.

I really wish I had a crystal ball but I don't. So all I can say to those in the same boat is - believe in yourself, don't listen to the naysayers, put your heart into writing those essays and keep working hard even in your senior year of high school because it ain't over till it is over.

A Celebration

It was an emotional occasion, a graduation party for a senior going off to college.
I am sure for most grad parties - the occasion calls for friends, food and games. But Indian grad parties tend to be a family affair. They invite not just the kids but parents and family from far and wide attend.

This particular party was a special one, mainly because of her accomplishments in spite of having a brother who has autism. Some of her accomplishments include having a 4.0 GPA which helped in her getting a scholarship to the medical program, learning Bharatanatyam culminating in her arangetram and raising $25,000 for Team Autism during the Detroit marathon.

Why did this celebration affect me so much? Probably because it made me aware that if you want something bad enough, you can achieve it - you just have to work towards it and have the right attitude.

Having a brother who has autism means that a lot of your parents attention is diverted - yet that did not stop her from getting a 4.0. Coming from a north Indian family that does not understand Tamil did not stop her from pursuing a style of dance that culminated in her arangetram -which is a huge achievement. Her love for dance and perseverance got her through. The love for her brother and creating an awareness for autism so that a cure maybe found is what goaded her to help in organizing the Team Autism for the marathon.

When her family, that had traveled from all over the world - Hong Kong, Canada, India - along with family from around the United States, came up to say how proud of her they were - it brought tears to my eyes. So much hope they have in this child and so much she will do - because she is determined and her heart is in the right place. We are so proud of you Nina. May you succeed in everything that you do and God Bless.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Giving back

When you give more, you get more. I never really believed it. When I was younger, I remember my Dad saying that in order to be successful in business, only if you spend, will you be able to receive. I thought that was an excuse to spend.

But now that I am older - I see the wisdom in what he used to say. When you say spend more - it is not just money - but time too. When you learn something, you go back and teach, when you earn so much more - you give back in money, when you feel you have accomplished so much and feel fulfilled - give back in kind.

I see that in the blogging world as well. As people get more and more successful, those who truly believe in that of giving back - offer it in kind - be it advice, discounts or freebies that normally you would have to pay big money for.

I see it now, happening more and more around me and feel glad to know that there is nothing wrong in doing something because it makes you feel good. So give more and the universe will provide for the rest.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Opposite of Fear

I was reading an article on the web that talked about people's biggest problem in the world. It is the one problem that dominates most people's lives and it affects anyone and everyone in some way, shape or form. That problem is fear.

People are so afraid of life, of losing your family, wealth you don't do anything. In fact fear is a human emotion but in order to succeed in life you have to confront your fears. I remember reading the book 'Letters from a Father to his daughter', a book that was a collection of letters from Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India to his daughter Indira Gandhi. He wrote those letters while he was in jail, one of the many times that he was arrested during the freedom movement.

On one of the occasions, they were taking a walk during the monsoon. While the young Indira decided to step around the puddle so as not to mess her shoes, her father asked her why she did that. The he reminded her that the puddles are like the problems that you will face in life. In order to overcome your problems will be solved when you confront them and work through them.

Fear is the same. You have to work through it and confront it, deal with it and move on. That is what makes you successful at life. And how do you combat fear? With Faith. When you have absolute faith nothing can come in the way. Diseases that are caused by fear and anxiety are dissolved when you have faith.

Confront your fears and have faith.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

These shoes are made for running

I did, I finally did get my new pair of shoes. I know a couple people who will be happy, my physical therapist for one, who has been threatening to yank my old shoes off my feet and throw them away on my behalf.

Buying the shoe was a tough choice on two fronts - on one hand it meant that I had to commit to the running - after all they said I would get 300 - 500 miles out of these shoes - so if I run 10 miles a week we are talking 30 weeks - hey not bad eh?
On the other hand I had to give myself permission to pay for these expensive shoes. That was hard to do.

Most of us are value conscious and in the process we tend to settle for the lesser quality for the sake of price. But I have noticed you get what you pay for. You buy shoes at Payless, it will last only 3 months, 6 months max - that is why you paid less for it.

As you get older you don't want to take a chance with injuries, actually you never want to take chance with injuries at any age, but the recovery time as you grow older is longer. Why chance it?

So what did I find, I am not a pronator or a supinator, I have beautiful arches so i got a regular shoe. The best part is I get to try it in the gym for a week and if it does not work - I can return it. Pretty neat eh? Will keep you posted on any updates.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Leo Tolstoy wrote Hypocrisy in anything whatever may deceive the cleverest and most penetrating man, but the least wide-awake of children recognizes it, and is revolted by it, however ingeniously it may be disguised.

You can fool most people but usually children and animals can sniff a fake a mile away. Usually the kids have no qualms about saying it out loud too. As an adult you programme yourself to react to your surroundings. You behave in a manner that you think is accepted by those around you. But when you have one rule for yourself and another rule for others - you are a hypocrite. And a child sees it right away.

So if you are raising conscientious kids or you are a role model for kids you should be walking the talk - other wise don't talk. Children need rules to guide them and they need role models to look up to. But if the rules are changed only for certain people and their role models have feet of clay then you as a role model will lose respect and getting the same back is highly unlikely.

Walk the talk, mean what you say and keep your promises - maybe then you will be held in high esteem.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

It all work s out in the end

Isn't that the truth? Sometimes you wonder why is it that those who hardly work get all the credit and those who work really hard never get any at all. Have you noticed those who were in your face and obnoxious when they were young are quiet and actually nice when they get older?

It is hard when you have to explain to your kids why the world seems so unfair. But it really doe work out in the end. It is just that you don't see it. you cannot control everything and sometimes it is required that you work for really hard for the things that you want really bad.

In everything that you do there is a lesson to learn and there is a reason why things happen - you just don't it at the time. There are times when everything is so unfair you just want to scream but screaming never solves any problems anyway.

I guess the best revenge is living well. But therein too - the living well should be because you want it not to take it out on anyone else.

And in the end it all works out.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

You know it is the 4th of July because there are fireworks and barbecues firing up everywhere, bug spray is selling like hot cakes and teenagers are up late since they don't have to go to school the next day - yup its summer too.

The newspapers, websites and TV talk about the importance of Independence day but I feel somehow after 233 years it has become more of the official celebration of summer than the importance of Independence.

You have to agree we have come a long way - it sure took a while before women got the right to vote and it will be a while before we elect a woman president but at least we have a black president - that sure took a while.

We are busy fighting wars in other countries and helping them gain independence. You have to give credit to the men and women of the armed forces for doing their job and keeping our borders safe along with helping other countries gain independence.
Not easy following orders when you may not agree with the philosophy - it takes a special training for that.

God Bless America and happy 4th everyone!

Friday, July 3, 2009

First impressions

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Isn't that the truth?
It does not matter if you are an adult or a child, going for a job interview or speaking to the public, teaching or being taught.

I have to keep reminding myself and my kids that you never know who is watching. How you carry yourself is a representation of who you are and how you were brought up. How you react is a reflection on your character and values.

In the Hindu philosophy, you learn about detachment. Do not get attached to the fruit of your actions. So when people get upset it is usually when things do not go their way. When you get upset in public, it is not the others but you who looks bad. Why? It is because it shows lack of control. You never know who is watching.

So now you know why your mother always says 'Behave' before you leave the house.

Full circle

Its never complete till you come full circle. And that applies to everything.

When you first learn something - it is new, then you become the expert and then you have to give back for what you learnt. One of the pledges that we learn says that service to the people is service to the supreme self. I am sure you have heard of the phrase that goes if you are unhappy go help someone who needs the help and you will feel so much better.

It is all about giving, or giving back for only when you give do you get and you get it back in abundance. Pretty neat philosophy eh?

Some schools ask you to come and teach to give back, some ask you to fund certain programs, some ask you give scholarships. Some places of work ask you to go to the schools and recruit, some ask you to go and speak on career day and some ask you to go and mentor kids - all in all I think it is great way to give back.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pay it forward

If you have not heard of this concept - I am sure you will soon enough.

When you have a little bit of prosperity or good fortune - you make sure you share it with others who need it. I never paid much attention to it until we had the dance program this weekend. Now most people have no clue what all goes on backstage, until something falls apart. A lot of coordination between the sound, light, curtains etc is happening between the control booth at the back of the auditorium and the back stage. That is just the stage part.

Then you have the dancer who has to go back stage in between items and she needs the touch up and water and morale boosts before she goes out again. The crew backstage changes every time - the last person who was on stage is the one who is backstage the next time. This gives them a chance to return the favor the the next person who is on stage plus it helps since they know how it felt to be at the receiving end. pay it forward.

Now in the Detroit area - the Goodwill Industries have something similar - you put a dollar in an envelope and sign your name and pass it on. Each person puts in a dollar or more and passes it on to the next person until you have 25 people. Once that happens you mail the envelope to Goodwill industries. They will use the money for retraining, for those who were laid off. A noble gesture in an area where the layoffs have hit hard. You never know when you will be a recipient of that help.
Pay it forward.

Quick update

Today is July 1 - officially 6 months of the year has passed and I wanted to see where I was with my goals of writing.

Well, so far I have written 117 posts which leaves with another 174 to go. At this point I have yet to write more than I have already written. Since I have 180 days to write a 174 posts - I should say I am still within range.

I have to say I have enjoyed this exercise of making sure I have completed my writing for the day. It is habit forming, once you start it is difficult to stop.

As far as the rest of my goals - being happy and smiling more - o most definitley happening - after all happiness is a state of mind. I feel like 25 again and nobody can dictate how you feel right? Now, if only I could get the rest of the world to look at life like that :)