Sunday, July 12, 2009

Decision time

Sometimes I wish I had a crystal ball so that I could tell my kids if the choices they made are the right ones. Sometimes I wish I could tell if the choices I made are the right ones.

This time of life is hard - both for parents and children. This time meaning summer before senior year of high school. It is time to make that crucial decision - which college to go to. Unlike when I was growing up - there is more than just plain academics that are involved. Academics does play a major role but there are other factors that are involved as well - the essay, the extra curricular, the leadership skills - all of that and more.

We have gone on so many college tours - after a while it all blended together. We have talked to so many people in so many positions at colleges including professors, counselors, admission committee members - but none of them could give you a straight answer - it all depends - was the common answer to the question - will I get admitted to this college.

The decisions you make at this time is important - early decision, early admission, binding, non binding - you plan and calculate what you want, where you want to go, how far is it, big school or small school, urban or rural, public or private - so many decisions. The colleges are narrowed down, the application is out. This is the summer of essay writing - where you put on paper why you think you are the best student to go that school.

I really wish I had a crystal ball but I don't. So all I can say to those in the same boat is - believe in yourself, don't listen to the naysayers, put your heart into writing those essays and keep working hard even in your senior year of high school because it ain't over till it is over.

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