Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Get out of your Comfort Zone

When you work for a a fast paced aggressive company, you are constantly trying to prove yourself. It works very well for Type A personalities where they thrive on being on the edge. However for those that are not Type A's there is something to learn from that.

Being in a situation where you are not comfortable means you have to learn, learn quickly and pretend like you know it all and show it. I have found that works not only in a fast paced aggressive company but also in all aspects of life.

Nobody likes a whiner - it gets you down after a while. You get tired of listening to the same sob story over and over again. So if you are the whiner, stop whining, learn from your past and move on. It is hard for some people to do that, really hard.

If you walk around like a doormat - life will treat you like one. So stop being a doormat. Stand up for what you believe in, have faith and keep doing. After all how do you know where you stand unless you actually do something.

And while you are doing what you love, don't be afraid, smile and have fun. And when you look around you and see that people don't want to talk to you or they start talking about you - then guess what - you must be doing something right after all.

Carpe Diem! Seize the Day!

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