Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

You know it is the 4th of July because there are fireworks and barbecues firing up everywhere, bug spray is selling like hot cakes and teenagers are up late since they don't have to go to school the next day - yup its summer too.

The newspapers, websites and TV talk about the importance of Independence day but I feel somehow after 233 years it has become more of the official celebration of summer than the importance of Independence.

You have to agree we have come a long way - it sure took a while before women got the right to vote and it will be a while before we elect a woman president but at least we have a black president - that sure took a while.

We are busy fighting wars in other countries and helping them gain independence. You have to give credit to the men and women of the armed forces for doing their job and keeping our borders safe along with helping other countries gain independence.
Not easy following orders when you may not agree with the philosophy - it takes a special training for that.

God Bless America and happy 4th everyone!

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