Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Interesting answers

The Miss USA pageant was held on Sunday. I am always interested to hear what the five finalists have to say when they are asked that final question. It seems to be the final straw that either makes or breaks them.

I never anticipated the backlash when Ms. California replied that she did not believe in gay marriages. Reports say that her answer cost her her that crown. However I have to applaud her for standing for her convictions. At the same time I wonder if that was the popular answer that everyone wanted to hear.

At the same time Ms. North Carolina said he does not approve of the government bailout - I have mixed feelings about it - I was totally opposed to the government giving the big banks the money, who ended up posting billion dollar profits and gave out million dollar bonuses. However, I am grateful that the government intervened and gave the automakers the loans - so that they can figure out a way to survive. I wonder if the answer she gave was the popular answer that made her the winner.


Manoj said...

Safe to criticize govt than to criticize faith or religion. I have found more hypocrisy in people who interpret religion than govt.

Word Dancer said...

I agree - point to note is how they interpret it to conform to their belief system.