Wednesday, July 15, 2009


There is nothing wrong in believing in Happily Ever After. I am a die hard romantic. I get made fun of a lot because I believe in romance. I admit, it is my guilty pleasure - reading romance novels. But I have to defend it - it makes you look at the world in a whole new perspective.

I don't think there is anything wrong in believing in romance -just because other people don't believe in it does not mean it does not exist.

Reading those romance novels is like opening Pandora's box. It gives you hope that the good things in the world do exist, there is abundance for everyone and the good people do win. A positive person cannot survive in negativity for long, they cannot gossip about people and find pleasure in other's misery. When you are in a situation like that it drains you, you are exhausted and depressed. Watching the news is just as depressing - all you hear is of plane crashed, deaths, murders and scams.

So now you say that in real life you have problems - well, in almost very story there is a hero and a heroine and there is a conflict or many conflicts. It is the resolving of the conflicts and the process that they take to resolve the conflict that makes it interesting. Of course it does make it fun if the hero is tall and dark and handsome and rich but at the end of the day it is the person inside that counts - what kind of character he/she is and how does he/she perceive the world. the interesting thing is art imitates life - a lot of those stories are based on people that do exist. For a writer - it is such freedom to create the character you want and make it behave the way you think it should.

I have heard many a time that life is not fair - but life is fair, you just don't know all the facts. In a romance novel - the facts all are presented to you at one time so the conflict resolution is easy.

Some say it is an escapism - but then so is television isn't it? A good escapism is my mind. I get to meet all these characters that I had no idea existed and I get to find out how they resolved a conflict and I don't have to wait till next week or ads to find out what happened next. Sounds like a plug for reading doesn't it? Hey if the shoe fits...

1 comment:

Manoj said...

If all people read and follow what happens in a romantic novel like the happily ever after maybe we could attain happily ever after or the utopian world. However, that is not the case and when people want what happens in a romantic novel to happen in real life that is when tragedy strikes.