Monday, January 12, 2009

Don't stop writing - no matter what

I had started writing this post couple days ago about how good I was about posting almost every day - then I fell into that hole - like most people do. Think I am doing ok, yeah sure I have enough time and the next thing I know a couple days have passed and I have not written anything on my blog.

It was there on the back of my mind that I need to write, after a while it starts to bother you cause you have not written - for a writer it is a cathartic process, for me my mind starts to overflow and I start to forget important things.

As I spend the time - since that is all I can afford at this time - I look at the various blogs and read all about the nuts and bolts about blogging and come away with a lot of information.

However one thing I have noticed - there are different types of bloggers. There are those that are the traditional writers and use their craft to create a blog and eventually make money out of it, there are others whose sole aim is that of internet marketing and there are still others who provide the support to the blogs and internet marketing and make an income out of that. There are still others whose joy is writing and don't care whether or not they make money on it or not.

Now the question is which category do I want to belong to? In this age of instant gratification - everything happens so quickly. There are ways that you can make money in a blink of an eye, however there are some things that take time - like building a reputation.

Years used to be the measure to accomplish certain goals but now it looks like days is more like it. If I am a reader to a particular site because I enjoy the content, I will go to that site all the time to check out what is new. However, if there is no update to that site, it is only a matter of time before I stop going to check it out.

I don't want my readers to think I am not serious, so it is important that I keep writing - cause no content means no readers. At this point I want to stick to the writing. The money will follow.

So like Dory sings in Finding Nemo - Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming - I say to myself - just keep writing, writing, writing.

Ok now that I have convinced myself - I have a few more posts to write.


Manoj said...
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Manoj said...

make it a point that i spend sometime daily for writing. If something comes to my mind words start flowing else i don't write. I think this approach might be helpful else it is easy to stop writing due to other 'important' work.

Gypsy Girl said...

Hey... the thing with leaving it to another day is that a day turns into months!!! ask me the procrastinator!!