Monday, January 12, 2009

Reality Check

There is something about January that forces you to do a reality check.

The Christmas holidays are over and the presents don't seem like presents any more.
The tree and decorations have been put away.
The New year party is over and everyone is wondering what made them think of the resolutions that they came up with. The weather is cold and if you live in my part of the world - you are probably tired of being snowed in.

It is time to start looking at your bills and gather your information for the taxes. It is time to start looking at your goals for the year and start planning accordingly.
You cannot even think about gardening because when you look out the window the whole place is covered in snow.
The economy is slow, there is not much going on and the airlines and travel agents send you deals to travel to some warm beach on the other side of the world.

Yet, in spite of all that - there is something very hopeful about January.
It marks the beginning of Uttarayana - or the northern movement of the sun, Makara Sankrathi is celebrated - Sankranthi - is a Sanskrit word - that means the transmigration of the sun from one zodiac sign(Rashi) of the (Indian) zodiac calendar - from Sagittarius (Dhanur) to Capricorn (Makara). It is considered very auspicious.
It feels like even the Heavens have given you permission to start afresh. The houses are cleaned, old things thrown out, new clothes worn, kites are flown.

So as the sun moves more to the north, I am looking at the goals that I had made for the year and see that I can move north too - up, that is, keep progressing. Goals are great - now to come up with a plan to keep it moving.

So here is what I came up with;
1. Evaluate your goals.
2. Reevaluate your goals to make sure you are where you want to be.
3. Come up with a timeline to make sure you are on track.

So far so good.

1 comment:

Manoj said...

Life is but one big goal. Sometimes you live it half, sometimes whole :-)