Saturday, January 24, 2009

Why are you so stressed?

Your tummy hurts, your head hurts, you have lost your appetite or you eat too much, you cannot focus, you feel like crying, you snap at those close to you and keep wondering why is everyone so mad at you?

You are probably under stress - but then in this day and age - who isn't?

I always thought only adults could be under stress - but that was before I became an adult. Then I had kids and the kids tell me that they are under stress. I look around even the pets and plants can be under stress!

Why is that? People want to be in control and when things don't go the way you planned it, you become agitated, get angry and your blood pressure rises and its all downhill from there. Hello? did you know you cannot control everything? But there are those of use who do want to believe that we can - control everything, that is.

Bee there, done that. So what did I learn - it is so much easier to let go. Take charge of the things you can change - the rest - let it happen the way it should.
So much easier - on yourself and everyone else around you. Result - happy body, happy mind and so is every one around you.

Now, how do I know if the cat is smiling?


Gypsy Girl said...

u sound like mummy... its strange how when you speak to your kids- u open your mouth and your mom comes out!!! ;)

Word Dancer said...

hee hee hee - you experiencing it first hand aren't you?