Is there such a thing as coincidence? Actually there is not.
If you feel that way - it is actually the universe answering your question.
For example - in my previous post I had written about the conversation in my mind.
I have been staring at Steve Pavalina's post for a time now that is on my blogroll but never got around to reading it - but then after I finished writing my post - I meandered through the post.
It answered my question. Truly it did. He even said if you say I don't know - he would slap you. I don't know of anything else that would get you a better reaction.
So what else did he say? Pretty much what most focus driven people would say - don't whine, don't be weak, don't be a coward, don't argue, don't ask permission and don't blame.
I loved the don't ask permission part.
You can read more about it here!
Lesson 9 of the free Engage course delves into how to use visualization to
attract and enjoy the experience of being in love with a delightful
partner, inc...
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