Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Secret to Success

I think I found the secret to success. For some it may sound like common sense, for others it may sound like hooey but I think it is true and it works.

I was talking to my sister and talking about keeping rooms clean. Considering my daughter is very much like her aunt - she sympathizes with my daughter a lot. But what she said made total sense.

I am sure you have heard about how you keep your desk is a reflection of your state of mind. Some may agree and some may not - cause I know very senior people who have nothing on their desk because all the information is in their head. I am sure you have heard your mom tell you to make your bed - because making your bed makes the rest of your room look clean. However the secret to success is (drum roll please, ta da da da) keeping your bathroom clean.

Okay I can hear some of you laughing but think about it -if the place you go to keep yourself clean is dirty - then how clean are you anyway? Considering most people are obsessed about how clean the restrooms are and you actually get more germs from your kitchen sink than the bathroom - it should not be a surprise.

So anyway - I told my daughter this and I made sure my bathroom is spotless and things are definitely looking up. Try it and let me know if it has made a difference in your life.

1 comment:

Manoj said...
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