Day 8 was stretch and strengthen. That was easy (so I thought) but I was sore. That is a good thing - it means that your muscles are working and building.
Day 9 was a 3 mile run. I did 4 miles 2 days ago so 3 should be a piece of cake - that is what I said. I decided to go to the gym and run - just so I had some numbers to work with. The hardest part was keeping the motivation so that you don't stop. If I had to do 10 minute miles - I would be going at 6miles/hour - way too fast. If I had to 12 minute miles - I would be going at 5 miles per hour and 15 minute miles would be at 4 miles an hour.
The bad thing about numbers is that you end up calculating it all the time. You become so obsessed with it. I was counting paces and realized that for .1 mile I had 20 or 22 paces depending on my speed.
It does not matter if you are outside or inside - it is your motivation that keeps you going.
Lesson 9 of the free Engage course delves into how to use visualization to
attract and enjoy the experience of being in love with a delightful
partner, inc...
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