..is through his stomach. I never really believed it - but it is true.
We are a group of moms who get together often (too often according to our husbands) and we talk about everything under the sun.
As a child when I encountered a group of moms get together, the discussion always centered around food. For the longest time I always wondered why that was. Now that I am in that group of moms - our discussions are always centered around food.
I think these discussions have certainly have been more fun than any counseling or therapy session as I try to figure out what is it about men that make them happy. O there definitely are a couple things- but food is number one.
The day the food is prepared, tasty and served - o boy the mood is definitely good - for everyone. And when it is not - all hell breaks loose. I never thought about that pattern - but as I paid more attention to it - I did see it.
So a good way to make a man mellow - serve him good food. How you serve it - I will leave it up to you. :)
Lesson 9 of the free Engage course delves into how to use visualization to
attract and enjoy the experience of being in love with a delightful
partner, inc...
Happy Mothers Day MOOMY - Dhruv
Aww. Thanks kuttan!
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